
hamburger cookies/cupcakes

I was browsing through the most recent photos in my "cupcake picks" pool and ran across these adorable cheeseburger cupcakes by Sadiecakez....

It looks like she has cut the cupcake in half to use for both of the buns. I am not sure what she used for the hamburger patty, but it looks like fondant was used for the fillings inside. So, so clever!

They brought about a memory from my childhood of cookies that look like hamburgers. I couldn't remember exactly when and for what my mom had made them, but she did...She said Mrs. Rosenberger had everyone over to her house for an end of the year picnic and my mom made them to bring along. It must have been when my oldest sister, Heather, was in second grade as I think my other sister and I both had Mrs. Palmer for second grade instead. The cookies were the cutest and so simple...Take a peppermint patty (the burger) and sprinkle with some coconut colored green with food coloring (lettuce). Sandwich both of these in between two vanilla wafers. You can use frosting tinted red (ketchup) or orange (cheese) to hold everything together if you would like. Coat the top vanilla wafer with a bit of egg whites and sprinkle sesame seeds on top (Egg whites were used in the 80's as we didn't have all of the concerns about raw eggs as we do now. But, you may want to use something else that's a little safer to keep the sesame seeds on). My mom said that she put them in the back window of the car while all the kids played not even thinking about the hot sun. When everyone was ready to sit down and eat, she went to get them and they were all melted. So sad!

My sister made a version of these for my niece's first birthday this summer...

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