
doily valentine

Yesterday while looking at table setting ideas, I ran across this clever and adorable doily valentine in the paperday studio etsy shop...

The heart valentine gets tucked into the doily. So sweet.


  1. You are too sweet. Thanks for the shout.

  2. I just love this...I think it looks vintage and it's such a cute idea. I couldn't help but post about it :)

  3. isn't that cute?
    i just found your blog via your flickr and i have to say, i like what i see! so much fun. also, i adore your header. is that a font or just something you personally created?

  4. Thanks! My sister is a graphic designer and did the logo for me. There are some cute dandelions blowing in the wind that also go with it that I need to upload too...when I get around to it :) I love it too. And, what's funny is that the first name I threw around was dandelion so it's funny that was what she decided to put in my logo.

  5. I love how you find (and sell) the cutest things on Etsy! There is so much out there and you always seem to find the best shops!
